Lets Change Your Snacks With Healthy Snacks
We are supplier healthy snack, from Indonesian Farmers to the World

Featured Product

Ginger Chips
Made from fresh ginger combined with grated coconut and a sprinkling of sesame and sugar, this snack has a sweet and spicy taste. This snack is a traditional snack that comes from the province of East Java, Indonesia
Presented in a standing pouch packaging type of aluminum foil, net weight 100 grams and can be stored again because there is a ziplock / zipper. Each chip is printed to form a rolled circle with a thickness of about 1,5 mm, so that each chip feels so crunchy and has a shelf life of 12 months

Jackfruit Chips
Jackfruit Chips are an exotic snack that brings out the natural pleasures of perfectly ripe jackfruit. Processed with care, these chips are made from thin slices of fresh jackfruit which are then dried until they reach the perfect crunch. Its sweet and slightly savory taste creates a tantalizing combination of flavors, making it a delightful snack for connoisseurs of unique flavors. Besides being delicious, Jackfruit Chips are also rich in fiber and nutrients, making them a healthy snack option that is suitable for all occasions.

Apple Chips
Apple chips are snacks made from fresh apples that are sliced thinly in a circle with a diameter of between 2-4 cm, which is processed using a vacuum frying machine at low temperature to keep the nutritional content from being lost and to produce crispy and nutritious chips.
Presented in a standing pouch packaging type of aluminum foil, net weight 75 grams and can be stored again because there is a ziplock / zipper.

Salak Chips
Salak fruit chips are delicious snacks made from thinly sliced and dried salak fruit. The salak fruits used to make these chips are carefully selected when ripe, sweet, and with thick flesh to ensure a delightful taste and enticing texture. The drying process removes the moisture from the salak fruit, preserving its flavor and providing a longer shelf life for the product.
Salak fruit chips are a popular choice among snack enthusiasts who seek a healthier and natural alternative, as they do not contain added preservatives or artificial sweeteners. With the combination of the sweet taste of salak fruit and the savory flavor from the drying process, salak fruit chips are a delightful snack to enjoy on various occasions
About Us

Vision ( Visi )
To be a trusted supplaying healthy snack in Indonesia and foreign market
Menjadi pemasok snack sehat terpercaya di pasar Indonesia dan mancanegara
- Bringing local food products to become one of the processed healthy food packaging which is loved by the people of Indonesia and foreign
- Supplying healthy snacks to all Indonesian and foreign markets
- Producing and innovating local processed food by maintaining product quality, hygiene and health for consumers
Mensupplay cemilan sehat ke seluruh pasar Indonesia dan mancanegara
Memproduksi dan Melakukan Inovasi olahan pangan lokal dengan menjaga kualitas produk, kebersihan, dan kesehatan untuk para konsumen
Membawa produk pangan lokal menjadi salah satu olahan pangan kemasan yang dicintai oleh masyarakat Indonesia hingga mancanegara
PT. Sonajaya Putra Group was established in 2003 with a focus on producing and marketing high quality healthy snack products like a ginger chips and fruit chips
Currently PT Sonajaya Putra Group is located in Batu City – East Java with a production capacity of 1000 kg for a month of ginger chip snacks. This will increase in line with market needs, and supported by high-tech machines and a competent workforce, PT Sonajaya Putra Group is able to produce quality healthy snack products.
PT. Sonajaya Putra Group didirikan pada tahun 2003 dengan fokus memproduksi dan memasarkan produk snack sehat berkualitas tinggi seperti keripik jahe dan keripik buah
Saat ini PT Sonajaya Putra Group berlokasi di Kota Batu – Jawa Timur dengan kapasitas produksi 1000 kg snack keripik jahe untuk sebulan. Hal ini akan meningkat seiring dengan kebutuhan pasar, dan didukung oleh mesin berteknologi tinggi serta tenaga kerja yang kompeten, PT Sonajaya Putra Group mampu menghasilkan produk snack sehat yang berkualitas.

adhere to the rules, be honest, fair and uphold commitments. memegang teguh aturan, jujur, adil dan menjunjung tinggi komitmen

Customer Focus
Prioritizing customer satisfaction by providing customer satisfaction Mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan dengan memberikan kepuasan pelanggan

Carry out all production and service activities seriously Melakukan segala aktifitas produksi dan pelayanan dengan sungguh sungguh

Always maintain the quality of the products produced Selalu menjaga kualitas produk yang diproduksi
Legality (Legalitas)




Fruit Chips
Apple Chips

Salak Chips

Jackfruit Chips

Pineapple Chips

Ginger Chips

Fruit Crackers

Dragon Fruit




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Jl.Lesti Utara RT4 RW3 No.226 Ngaglik, Batu,
Jawa Timur, Indonesia
+62 821 8183 2606
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